
NCPEL members enjoy a variety of services and resources, including a job board, access to polls and online collaborative tools, meeting minutes and agenda, financial reports, membership rosters, and the ability to contribute to ongoing sponsored research and scholarship. All members are eligible to attend biannual meetings, convened in October and May of each academic year.

We offer two levels of membership, Unit/Institutional and Individual/Retired/Honorary, open to qualified schools or colleges of education, departments, and individuals. Membership is purchased annually and runs from October through September of the next year.

For departments of five or more faculty, Unit/Institutional membership is the most cost-effective. At $300 annually, all faculty members, plus the dean, become full members, each one with a vote and eligibility for representation on Executive Council.

Individual/Retired members vote but are ineligible for representation on Executive Council.  Individual/Retired members pay $60 annually. With member fee waived and conferred only by Executive Council, Honorary members neither vote nor serve on Executive Council.